Tuesday, September 18, 2012


Hey everyone, today is an exciting day for me! Its my Mum's 45th birthday and I'm overwhelmed with joy! My schedule is very tight but I just have to come online and dedicate this blog post to her today.

I'm not saying this because she's my mum but everyone that has met my mum knows how much of a grand person she is. Her words are always packed with love and wisdom and no advice she has ever given me has ever led me astray. She's the best cook I know, the most creative person I've met and the best friend and mother anyone can have. My father is a blessed man and I worship God most high for the privilege of having her as a mum. May God bless her mightily today and always, amen!

I hope everyone's having a lovely week, because I surely am enjoying the week to its fullest already. Have a lovely day everyone, Happy happy birthday to my Mommy!!!

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