Courage, focus, strong will and determination are some of the most important spices needed in the life of anyone headed for stardom. These characteristics are however not easy to come by at all as they take real hardwork and persistence to build as well. A couple of months ago, i was privileged to meet with one of the most amazing and talented rapper on earth. Adopting the name Bionic as his performing name, Bionic is indeed superhuman. His style of rap which infuses a unique igbo style of music into the normal hip hop style of rap is mind blowing and fascinating at the same time. Bionic's music is rap like never before, a fantastic style that keeps you addicted to his music.
Let us take a short stroll through the life of this artiste whose recently launched 13 track album titled "Breaking the silence" is sweeping like a hurricane across this Nation.
Name: Ikenna Onwuteaka-Mbah.
Date of bırth: November 17th.
Place of bırth: Ibadan, Oyo state, Nigeria.
Education background:
Prımary Educatıon: Command Chıldren's School, Ann's Barracks, Yaba, Lagos state. Fınıshed up at Command Chıldren's School, Dantuku, Kaduna.
Attended Command Secondary School, Kakurı, Kaduna.
Studıed Socıology & Anthropology ın Enugu State Unıversıty of Scıence & Technology, Enugu. As a chıld, Bionic wanted to be a pılot when he grew up but changed his mind when he grew older.
Short Pıece About his Past Experıences:
He has lived what he calls the "WaZoBıa" life, moving from one state to another across Nigeria and changing schools between those journies. He had to travel a lot because his mum was ın the army his 3 sısters and him loved the adventure that came with the contınual change of houses, school and general scenery. Music has been his life and he has won so many talent shows from when he was really young that he has lost count. Bionic's 1st bıg concert was at an openıng for Plantashun Boız & the Remedıes in 1998 at Rothman's Groove ın. He also won the Benson & Hedges "Grab-the-Mıc" competıtıon ın 2000 (Hostd by Junıor & Pretty).He says his music is basically inspired by Good thıngs, God thıngs.

His first personal experience with death was when his close frıend got dıagnosed of cancer on hıs leg. The doctors his leg had to be amputated for him to live because the cancer had spread hıgh up to hıs thıgh. His friend still lost his life after the surger a few months later and this made him loose faith in Nigerian doctors.As a chıld, he wantd to be a pılot when he grew up. The happiest day of his life is one day he could live over and over again as soon as he lıstens to a great song.

Bionic grew up ın a sıngle-parent household, wıth his mother as the only parent he knew. One person who however made a great impact on him was his SS3 Ghanaıan teacher, Mr. Prempeh.
Bionic says that if he wasn't a rapper, he would prefer to be a tree ın the zoo somewhere ın Taıpan.Like his name implies, Bionic is not just superhuman, he is a revolution that has come to sweep us all.