I had my first baby when i was 16 years old and lost her a year later to pneumonia. I wished i had aborted her nineteen months earlier when my parents asked me to.
Loosing her tore my life apart cos i dropped out of school to have her and i couldn't go back after wards because i contacted an infection during child birth that crippled my legs. The doctors said i would walk again after three months (or less) of treatment, but a year passed and my butt was still slave to the wheels.
Four private teachers were employed and i was home-schooled for nine months so i could take part in the General certificate exams (o-level GCE) later that year, october precisely. My teachers did their best to take me through the syllabus for that session and i did good learning fast.
The trauma of loosing my baby and my legs creapt in once in a while, almost making me go nuts, but my brave spirit always rose above it and built its wall.
Two years passed after i had my baby, i had completed my lessons, written my GCE and was waiting for my result. He came to my house to collect his salary. Dad had told him over the phone that he'd be back home in less than 30 minutes so he had to wait for my dad. We were home alone that afternoon, waiting for my dad to return.
Of course you know I want to read more? Lovely poems too...